Canvas Prints

People generally use our stretched canvases to display art reproductions or photographs, thanks to the high quality print and durable materials we use. But don’t think you’re limited to photographs or art prints because the truth is the sky’s the limit with what you can print on these canvases.

Visible Marketing is proud to offer two types of Canvas Prints.

Traditional Stretched Canvas Print – Built in the traditional way, a gallery stretched canvas involves building a sturdy wooden frame, printing the canvas, and literally stretching it around the frame to make a tight product.

Foam Board Canvas Print – For instances where a more economical canvas print is necessary, Visible Marketing offers a foam board canvas print. Your image is printed on a canvas that is glued to a piece of foam board. The product is cut and folded to mimic a true canvas wrap at a much cheaper cost!

Faux Canvas Print – Great for home décor, portraits, and business promotion. All for only a fraction of the cost.

Size Options Available

Traditional Stretched Canvas Print
Any Size.

Foam Board Canvas Print
Any Size

Faux Canvas Print
Minimum size 8” x 10”
Maximum size 34” x 72”

Additional Options